The remains of floodings are nearly gone.
The roads are open (except some local roads from Viseu de Sus and Poienile de sub Munte areas). The houses which were destroyed, are rebuilt. The weather is nice, dry but quite cold (the first snow falled up in mountains in 23th of September). Today, in the early morning was 0° C, and now there are around 10° C.
The work on Vaser Valley railway continues. Our government paid another 500.000 euros for the rebuilding of the area. If the money will be enough, and the weather will permite, the works will finish next spring.
Until then, the train pulled by the steam engine no. 763.193 (Krauss, from 1921), has started to run up 8 kilometres on the valley, every weekend!
And finally, at Sighet was reopened after many years, the main hotel of the town: the 3 stars Marmatia Hotel (49 rooms).
So, all the tourists are welcomed, yours hosts are back in business!